We provide culturally sensitive and language-specific services to victims of domestic abuse from the Greater Asian and the MENA communities in Houston, Texas. We are committed to helping our survivors transition towards a future that is free from abuse and full of opportunities for growth and empowerment.

Our programs are tailored to serve its specific populations and community, providing victims with holistic services to guide them in rebuilding their lives. We remain committed to following up with victims, monitor their ongoing progress, and address their short-term and long-term needs. By offering comprehensive trauma informed, and judgment free support, that aims to help survivors transition towards a future that is free from abuse.


  • Advocacy: Case Management Services

  • Path: Safe Transitional Housing

  • Aware: Mental Health resources

  • Thrive: Career training and coaching, financial literacy education, job placement assistance, and contextualized adult education.

  • Legal Support

  • Client Support

  • Outreach

  • Secondary Programs:

    • Empowerment Workshops

    • Zero Tolerance for FGM

    • Stand Against Forced Marriage

    • Elder Abuse

Don’t live in fear. Reach out.