We are proud to be led by a board, committee, and staff that represent the diversity within the Greater Asian, Middle East & North African communities in Houston.
Asians Against Domestic Abuse · AADA [AY-da] was founded in 2001 by four women who were heavily involved in volunteer social work. Their combined volunteer experiences were the driving forces behind the formation of AADA. As previous volunteers with the Houston Area Women’s Center and other domestic abuse organizations, the women noticed inquiry calls would come in, but often there was no one qualified to communicate effectively and compassionately to assist abused Asian women with limited English speaking skills.
More tragically, their passion to help victimized women stemmed from one personal tragedy, in which an immediate family member died as a result of domestic violence.
The four women formed the first AADA Board of Directors and set up the non-profit organization to fill a void of culturally and linguistically appropriate care for Asian and MENA women and children suffering from domestic abuse in the Greater Houston area. Now our help is also national and occasionally we help women trapped overseas.
Many distinguished public figures and human rights activists support the efforts of AADA to provide justice, including The City of Houston, Fort Bend County, and Congresswomen Sheila Jackson Lee’s office.
“I’m beyond touched, after learning more about AADA, Asians Against Domestic Abuse...This organization helps women and children get a new start in life!”